Apparently the only thing that happened on June 4th 1989 in Tiananmen was a bunch of PLA soldiers sacrificing their lives.🥲

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23 46

I don’t need world building since everything takes place irl. From World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam war, Tiananmen Square, Chernobyl, War on drugs, 9/11,… They all happened and the root of all of my ocs.

0 4

HongKongers didn’t need Ms ChowHangTung or anyone to suggest encourage persuade incite us to commemorate those who’re killed in the

We did so on our own.

31 35

Murdoch & News Corp are evil forces against democracy in Australia.

The implication that Victorians are facing tyranny comparable to the Tiananmen Square massacre is bloody offensive and depicting Daniel Andrews in this way equally so.

239 877

Pas mal d'imaginaires collectifs sont convoqués (Tiananmen, enfants soldats, exploitation des ressources, révolution, inégalités sociales...) et sont mis au service de la dimension politique de la série, ce qui l'enrichit énormément au-delà de l'univers déjà bien meublé.

0 1

Hahahaha get fucked China. You don't deserve Ai Kayano's beautiful voice anyway.

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

0 4

On 5th June 1989, the Tank Man halts the progress of a column of advancing tanks for over half an hour after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

0 5

Lo primero ocurrió hace más de 3 décadas y no hay año que los medios no lo recuerden a lo grande. Lo segundo está pasando ahora mismo bajo un vergonzoso apagón informativo. El doble rasero es demencial

303 773

On the anniversary of the ' superb and very on point illustration from last year sure is more than worth to be re-upped 👇

“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
― Mark Twain

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