[ ⚠ Tousani rkgk ]

"I'll return to the nest safely, little bird."

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Next entry for !

Of course if you're going to give me Secretary OR Saniwa, i'm gonna take it as Secretary AND Saniwa 😤


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Ah yes...the tousani/TonMitsuki FateAU, except Mitsuki's the servant and Tonbo's the master..

Oh my god honestly I loved the plot I wrote for this...

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A lovely tousani couple 💕

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🌸🍡hewwo..im angela and i got into tkrb in like january bc i was watching katsugeki while doing hw lmao ookurikara is my Bigg Sexe Boy and i just draw tousani, dategumi, and shitty kanesan memes

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