Redrawing and redesigning parts of Treehopper! They are the Queen’s personal bodyguard and jester who does all her dirty work. Treehopper poses as a quiet yet terrifying presence in the court, never saying a word with an unchanging smile.

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My next turnarounds are going to be these guys that is going to be a part of an “Insect Court” lineup thingy. First up is the Queen Dragonfly and her mysterious but charming bodyguard Treehopper~

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quickie for a tumblr ask, it's the oak treehopper 🐛🐞🌿

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I’m a PhD student in entomology studying insect evolution. Here’s a drawing I did of one of my study organisms called a treehopper.

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This week it's Enchenopa binotata with nymphs! This species (well, species complex) displays maternal care and acoustic communication.

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It's Today's is Poppea concinna, a lovely little from Central America. Share your treehopper and if you've got it!

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It's Ok, that's not a thing but maybe it could be. in the genus Cladonata have some remarkable morphology!

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Not sure I am totally done with this yet, but I am liking the way this of Oeda inflata is turning out. (And it is a real bug despite its bizarre appearance!)

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