Libya has one of the world's lowest population densities. Around 90% live at the coast, 30% in & around Tripoli.

With regard to maps illustrating 'territorial control' in it's crucial to understand where there is more than just sand to control. So check out my latest map

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"The Spanish took Tripoli from the Berbers, the Knights of St John took it from the Spanish, the Ottomans took it from the Knights... The Berbers called Tripoli 'the Bride of the Sea'. And, if I can believe my Foe, my mother called it 'home'."


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Tripoli, Leb :: “This isn’t some private hospital in Beirut. This This is a govt hospital and these people are dying. They have to dance to live” - organizer of the event.

Joined as they brought a live band to honor those working at a hospital in Tripoli.

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Let's make this thing unify us or nothing will left.

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Jijel (Algerie)-Tripoli (Lybie)-Tunis (Tunisie) au Debut du 18 eme Siecle (1707)

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16 février 1804 : un groupe d'assaut américain mené par Stephen Decatur réussit à s'introduire audacieusement dans le port de Tripoli afin de s'emparer et d'incendier la Philadelphia, frégate américaine qui avait précédemment été capturée par les Barbaresques le 31 octobre 1803.

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USS Philadelphia burns in Tripoli harbor after being found to be unrecoverable by the assault party sent to reclaim her during the 1st Barbary War. (3407 x 5033) from /u/Sabu-mafu at

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Thread on (Λιβύη) Βattle of Tripoli:
In the wake of Libya’s 2011 revolution militias built a powerful role for themselves by filling the security vacuum left by the overthrow of Muammar Qaddhafi.Armed groups emerged in all corners of Libya but the complexity & prevalence

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Why did Alphonse Mucha include what clearly must be Thanksgiving turkeys in his 1897 edition of Robert des Fler's "Ilsee, Princesse de Tripoli" (92.808)? The world will never know...😉

Wishing everyone in the US a safe and Happy Turkey Day!

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Honoured to share the works of Abdelgader Bader, who is Nahla Ink Artist of the Month. The poetic style of this Libyan artist caught my eye over ten years ago on a trip to Tripoli, when I couldn't help but admire his work and tremendous talent. I still do!

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First bomber pilot

On 1 November 1911, 2nd Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti, Italian Army air battalion, based in Libya, dropped four grenades on Turkish
troops just outside Tripoli.

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"the most bold & daring act of the age". Horatio Nelson on the burning of USS Philadelphia 1804 in a raid by US Marines led by Stephen Decatur, Second Battle of Tripoli Harbor. Ship ran aground & captured fighting First Barbary War off North African coast.

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يوماً ما قلنا " لن نفترق إلا بالموت"..
تأخر الموت .. وافترقنا .
-محمود درويش

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