画質 高画質


110 510


50 233

blursed or cursed, the truth is that we made her a peanut butter sammich bc shes a good roll

92 788

Zero is a codename of future-verse Zachary from my Webtoon Canvas 'Bladewolf'. From the Webtoon original lore, he's a werewolf-in-hiding and a student at Purpearl Academy, in a mission to find the truth about his mysterious past.

0 1

Not even justice,
 I want to get truth.

12 71


7 44

She's telling the truth, I promise.

339 3046

????? (4/4) All these random manga were Mami's fanfic!

Pd: the truth is the manga of the bocchi crossover I did it just for this random punchline and give Lore to the fanfic xD maybe some people will find it anti-climactic and I apologize for that, now in patreon I will make a… https://t.co/fZ9VmMQAr1

10 269


35 230

No one: why no comic since the start of the year...?
Me: Vacation. Work. Study. Hungry. Staring at the wall in perpetual self-contemplation. Uhh... my neighbor's dog ate my tablet.

Truth is, I was working on a comic and decided to can it. Was uninteresting imo

the canned comic:

77 975

Frieren may only see half the sky but I see the truth of the universe

33 637

The truth beneath that tiny frame of hers. https://t.co/0zcJWK6lta

32 306

[#PIHAKKASSO] pleasant surprise to see my art on the reveal stream! not sure what he meant by false accusations of anatomy though.
the truth will set you free, hakka... https://t.co/iTagKMQ1Q8

181 999

[insert gigantic spoiler exposition]
this show did such a good job leaving bread crumbs of hints about what's been going on and the truth behind the overlaying narrative, I remember figuring it out long before this and when this episode aired I felt elated

1 63

太田垣康男先生「Get truth 太陽の牙ダグラム」3巻が届きました。一気に読み終わって、興奮冷めやらぬままファンアートを描きました☺️(トリミングして再投稿)

162 589


78 364

【新刊】#C103 の新刊、Shllow Truth設定資料本第一巻「Shallow Truth FRAGMENT FILE No.1」無事脱稿しました🙌荷物配送に支障がなければ二日目に頒布できる予定です
配置は"二日目西せ-21b"「Blue Section」となります。新刊と、その他既刊、グッズ等も販売予定です。是非お立ち寄りくださいm(_ _)m

30 43

Truth Unveiled 結局分からなかった服の謎

5 29

Donnie has discovered the truth behind kaori's bangs...

His head,was momentarily steamy and he almost forgot about science.…

Something is going on in his mind.

4 23