Twilight: Ah! *giggling* Cutie little doggy~!

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Twilight: Alright, let’s keep moving.

Unikitty: *whispers to Lachlan* Let’s do that again when we’re alone.

Lachlan: *WHUT*

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Twilight: *whispers* Carefully…

Lachlan: *decided to scare her* BOO!

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Twilight: *chuckles, sniff sniff* Pwoar!! Oh, Unikitty!!

Unikitty: Sorry, was that me? 😇

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Twilight: Okay. *ahem* RAAA-Achoo! *sniff*

Unikitty: Bless- *hiccup* -you. *hiccup*

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Twilight: Rawr! Er, um… rawr! *ahem* RAAA-BUUUUUURRRRPP!!

Unikitty: Hahaha- *hiccup* -haha! What- *hiccup* -was that?!

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(Rainbow Dash = 11, Lachlan Dingo = 12)

Twilight: You get TWENTY THREE!!

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Twilight: *uses a see through spell on the melon monster, then she gasps and gags at what she saw* Ohh!! *hurk!* 🤢

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This magical blade glows brightly in a 5 foot radius and dimly in a 10 foot radius.

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Spike: Aw, don’t be sad, how about a reunion? *he approaches her*

Twilight: Agh! *backing away* No no no, get away, get away!! *runs away*

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Twilight: I want you… to… *drops the serious act* PET HIM!!

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Twilight: Oh, their brotherly bond is so adorable!

Pony Life Pinkie Pie: Yeah, both your Spike and Lachlan and ours! Yours just show it more!

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Twilight: So you might as well get going, little Pap smear.

Unikitty: *gasp* Mom!!

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Twilight: Yes, you. Why would you think that you’re not my favourite dog?

Lachlan: I guess I’m just doubtful about myself.

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Twilight: *giggle* You’re not the only one who can ‘play dead’!

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Twilight: *whispers in Unikitty’s ear*

Unikitty: Pttf! Hahahahaha!! For real?!

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twilight: ateez or oneus

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Kinda reminds me of Mentally Advanced Twilight, how she hated anyone and everyone, except for Applejack and Rarity lol

Twilight: "Rainbow Dash, I am a alcoholic."

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