Masch.Gewehre werden in Stellung gebracht - ÖNB Digital ID: 15605144

Illustrated War News Apr 5 1916 publishes image of Austrian Tyrolese Troops drawn by a Tyrolese

Both are very similar to the Den Namenlosen painting that sits in the Museum of Military History in Vienna

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1949: CS Lewis completed The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! 1st of 7, The Chronicles of Narnia, but vol 2 sequenced by the stories' chronology! Here's Aslan's resurrection to mark Christ's resurrection in Irish martyrologies (27 March)!

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Baked Airlines was very busy tonight 😎🍃 Some memories from a tour today!

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Acquisition de musée : le vient d'annoncer l'achat de ce paysage du Tyrol avec le château de Naudersberg (107 × 154,5 cm) de Ernst Ferdinand Oehme vendu 125 000 € en décembre chez Achat permis grâce au Stiftelsen Gustaf VI Adolfs fond.

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for @ Tyrol_lol



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Qué bonita es la 👶 Sin dramas, llantos ni heridas de guerra. Muy bonita sí, pero agotadora.

Vuelven las en multicolor y con el nuevo miembro de la familia. Tyr, Tyrito , Tyrolino 🎶

Muchos ánimos a todas las mamis con las tetas arañadas. 💞

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The Unfortunte Land of Tyrol, 1913

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… criticised for superficiality Work showcases travel (Middle East Venice Tyrol Corfu Montana Maine & Florida) Commissions used grand style while flashed Later focused & Notoriously under-valued by earlier art historians

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New artwork for sale! - "Dolomites Mountain Ridge with Winter Snow and Langkofel Sassolungo in South Tyrol, Italy" -

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December 24, 1237, first mention of the "good silver from the Schneeberg" in a letter. Situated at 2.300m a.s.l in the Tyrolean the "snowy mountain" was one of the most important mines in medieval times⚒️

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During X-Mas season punishes kids who have misbehaved. He's one of the companion of St.Nicholas (who rewards well-behaved kids). The Krampus rite is folklore in Austria, Bavaria (Germany), Alpine region,Hungary, Croatia, Czech Rep, Tyrol and Northern Italy

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Sara Infante lives and works in her hometown, Lisbon, Portugal, but has lived in different places such as Barcelona and the Italian Tyrol region. Sara is represented by the .

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Also Alexandre Dumas' dad was a general in revolutionary France, it's not that hard to figure out his background considering his dad was famous too 😭😭 He was even nicknamed 'the Horatius Cocles of the Tyrol' by Napoleon himself.

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Hofer was the leader of the 1809 Tyrolean Rebellion against Napoleon. Following his capture and execution he became a martyr and folk hero. He was a prominent figure in Austrian First World War propaganda, especially postcards.

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21 Aug: St Mogin Mór. "Mór"=great. In the Martyrology of Tallaght. It seems to indicate that he was a person of distinction. However, in the O'Cleary's calendar he is called simply Moghin (Canon O'Hanlon). 🎨Jörg Breu

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We finished our game: Going down in Fishstory! Let us know what you think :)
Made with the following awesome team: Liam Calice, , with some voice acting by Klara Tyroller.

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20 April: St Sobarthain a bishop, Sedrach a bishop, & Flann. Little-known saints in medieval Irish martyrologies. 🗺️CofI dioceses ©Wikidwitch 🗺️RC dioceses ©Sheila1988

(Dioceses set up by Synod of Rathbreasail 1111. Modified by Synod of Kells 1152. Replaced monastic model.)

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