# 케빈

생일 이벤트! 공카 DEAR U-KISS 게시판에 케빈에게 가장 사랑스럽고 정성이 가득한 축하 편지를 남겨주시는 키스미 3분께 아래 폴라로이드를 선물로 드립니다~! 응모기간은 25일 단 하루!

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U-KISS、「a-nation island powered by inゼリー Asia Progress 〜from a-nation〜」出演決定! http://t.co/x6L293KUJn

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U-kiss fanart-stop girl

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well i'm doing the newest and maybe the lastest fanart for u-kiss now. Im back to school next week ^O^

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Memorial Osaka, TAKADAKO's illustration "takoyaki U-KISS". It's so cute !!(^-^)

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