The unicorn in this drawing is named Unix. A little 9 year old girl named them. The nerd in me decided to keep the name immediately.

0 0

How a true Linux or Unix fans navigate in Linux or Unix terminal. Also do check CDPATH and other tricks here

248 1754

から たんですぞ!あちゃー!おちゃー!げんまいちゃー!かつてPC-UNIX界隈にはルーミたんが好きすぎて、tech(コマンドライン)のメッセージをルーミたん仕様に変えてしまうソフトを作っちゃった神がおわしましてな・・・。

21 91


125 464


1 16

I vibe with that OS, any OS with UNIX hits that sweet spot :D (secretly wishes work would stop using powershell)

0 0

Speaking of bash history on your Unix or Linux systems Definitely not lazy user. haha!

633 3232

UNIXの残滓からサルベージできたのはこれだけだ どうやらかつてのオレはようやくひとかどのニュービーってとこだったらしい 

48 92

From 2012: Portraits of Tech Heroes visualised in their respective system fonts and colors. To buy a print, go here:

67 205

If doctors worked like your Linux or Unix sysadmins ... lol. Credit

432 1984

Definitely not lazy, but I am a lazy Linux / Unix user for sure.

2017 8411

むかし作ろうとして挫折した。シーシェ(csh)たんです。相方は偽デーモンくんとペンギンさん。FreeBSD とか PC-UNIX 界隈のことをしゃべる予定だったものの、そんなに気の利いたセリフを考えられず。つくってる人はすごい。そんなわたくしは zsh 派。#!/bin/sh

3 5

Subnautica tools going for that Jurassic Park Unix System vibe.

3 81


0 0

How a true gentleman navigate in Linux or Unix terminal...

525 2609

MFW I create a symbolic link in Unix

1926 10677

RT if you love Linux/Unix Terminal forever. Credit

1385 3137

Want description of the Linux/BSD/Unix filesystem hierarchy? Try

man hier

141 631


As a fellow figurehead of Unix, and councilwoman of team itself, Xavia has to look presentable😤 Meaning she gets to wear outfits that fit her communities trends and moods~

1 2