画質 高画質

Oh hello new peeps! ! ! I hope you enjoy ur stay and thank u for liking my art. Let me know if there are things you'd like to see me draw so I might consider them. Thank you again for your support!

2 31


0 11

(Titipan) Hello!! I'm looking for some new genshinmoots to interact with! i go by any pronouns and im at legal age, but dw cos my account is safe for minors😁 i also like making fanarts! so if ur interested, just reply and i'll hyu <3 (homophobics and racists dni). (cont..)

3 34


373 1914


118 430

tehe! lyney main! drop ur build here plss :3 sama rekomen weapon dia dong selain sig!

2 45

artmoots! sender habis selesai ujian mau lanjut mencari mootss! acc sender bukan full food drawing n sender agak selective yaaw!!! drop ur usn & ill brb tomorrow~

0 37



61 213

HAIHAII!! sender mau nyari kawanbabu nih, sender go with she/them! furina, lyney, wanderer, childe main ♡ sender sudah legal dan akun sender agak 💋💋💋 so, minor dni! sender suka aktif di discord juga jadi kita bisa play sambil menggibah /jk. drop ur fav char (cont..)

1 3

TYVM❤️❤️❤️ I am very happy with ur comment ☺️ I can't express myself in English so I can't communicate well...
I usually finish the process like this!

1 21


KP:なべ/夜明 紡
PL:ひなつ/洒戻 雨渫

出目元気すぎて5C5F ガキかわい〜〜〜〜!!!あと改めて見るとカラーリング真逆でかわいい

1 2


25 147


日時: 5/3(金) 22時〜
募集人数: 狩 1名
    : 鯖 7名
   +: 観戦枠5名


12 55

good day fellas! haii im looking for genshinmoots yang mau mnjadi temankuu >___O !! yg ndak masalah sama akun campur hsrtwt dan gim lainnya ya! i go by she/her, legal and proud navia + acheron main!

18-, homophobic, hates my fav DNI BRATT! please claim ur freepass (cont..)

0 0


0 2

reply and i will give you a
color to post ur favs from !

i got silver 🤍🤍🤍

The last one probably doesn't count but i ran out of silver characters https://t.co/C9BQAXrIVO

2 40

Halo! Yang mau kawanbabu bareng sender tolong acungkan tangannya ✋🏻. Kita temenan in game juga, nanti co-op! Selebihnya ada di pict, yaa. Drop ur carrd, rentry, atau tmi hari ini. Yang simp nya sama dapat fp <3 (ambil fp di sini 🎫🤏🏻).

0 2

You vs ur pfp

My sona has changed a bit, I should go cut my hair when I get the time https://t.co/9BfJAWiBaM

0 3