Velkoz new ship uwu, So beautiful!
I tried to make the other 😅

1 19

Interesting to see Sylas' R CD being that low again..

Glad to see some Xerath & Velkoz love.
Especially the CC buffs on skillshots
Kass's shield buff just gonna make em sht on them anyway..

That 99% Jhin R Slow kinda nutty though..
Also Fk Ezreal, his Q already lowers the CD..

2 147

Ok so, since Giratina and Vel'Koz have a similar headpiece..
I did the only reasonable thing!

6 30

One of the doodles that I made on stream!
He's my Void Noodle~

3 17

I'm so happy that I managed to finish drawing this piece :D I can rest now-

63 267


24 138