Ok, let's everyone pray for Victor because he's finally coming to PokeMas

And looks like they'll waiting for Victor because he deserves to have much money from his growing poularity

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I see everyone hyping to want Victor for PokeMas. Hopefully, he'll be finally coming soon earlier

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Still waiting for that certain trainer, a treatment for him with legendary and Cinderace

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Now, Victor is definitely going to be added because everyone said that he deserves to be in the game!

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Anyone can save gems for Victor pokefair? We love to see him in the game soon!

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Are you enjoying Victor SwSh?

🗨️Yes, I support him!
🔁Yes, I love him!
❤️Yes, I want him to be in Masters EX!

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The better is Victor in masters EX. He deserves a PokeMas model (which he is really cooler), a coolest 5star unit + 6star EX, a sync pair with Cinderace and legendaries, and a locked up protag


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Someone can hear me why Victor is coming to masters? and why everyone mentioned him?

VictorXLillie ship will be so good

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Rosa: Look Hilda! There's two Victors!
Hilda: Then, who's the imposter?
Selene: This is kinda sus
Three of them: VICSUS!!!

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Rosa: Don't be sad, Victor. If you're shafted, you must get the treatment as Lucas
Hilda: Don't give up, Victor. You'll be coming since Macro Cosmos villain arc
Selene: Don't end up, sweetie! You can do it!

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Can you add VICTOR please? he's the only protagonist that he isn't in the game yet. Anyone can hear me why he's coming? They need more money for him


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Bettie: Victor is the best! Isn't that true, Hilbert?
Hilbert: I know, he's my sweetheart
Hilda: Hopefully Lear do something kind for him
Rosa: Let our Galarian lad justice!

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