Happy Birthday to the great Fauvist Maurice de Vlaminck, and as the spring weather has so far decided to remain rather grey we thought Vlaminck’s ‘Nature morte’ (sold by Dickinson to a private collector) might provide some much needed colour!

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Le 4 avril 1876 : naissance à Paris du peintre Maurice de Vlaminck,🎨
grand admirateur de Van Gogh et Cézanne, il est un des fondateurs
du fauvisme

🌺Le pont de Chatou, 1906

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"The Red Tractor" is a painting by French artist Maurice de Vlaminck, who was heavily influenced by Van Gogh and Cézanne and thematized in his later works the destruction of nature by humans and technology.

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en 1958 murió Maurice de el ermitaño de La Tourilliere, creador de agitados mares, ventosos bosques y geométricas naturalezas muertas.

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"Not a bad selfie, Maurice, but Vincent's was a touch better..." credit: Maurice de Vlaminck, 1911 Vincent Van Gogh, 1889

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Maurice de Vlaminck, 1876-1958, French painter (Fauve movement), Autumn Landscape

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Maurice Vlaminck, demasiado olvidado...

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Happy Birthday to French painter Maurice de Vlaminck, born on this day in 1876: https://t.co/98r46imKJx

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I have the pleasure to introduce lot 10 tonight. Maurice de Paysage (1912-1914)

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Via Art'è
Paesaggio, Maurice de Vlaminck, 1919
(olio su tela, 35.5 x 44.5 cm - collezione privata)

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