Voretober Day 23: Cruel
I love teasing prey like this!
Tasting them and talking down to them~
How they won't see their loved ones again. How much they'll be squeezed around and treated like another meal.
Like is
You can taste the fear~ >:3

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A moment where Clyide & Rose pledge themselves to each other~ (Not the canon version but still a sweet moment) 🥺💙💙💙💙💙
Rose sees Clyide's true form in the canon story, & during the ritual she accepts him for who & what he is💙

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Whats more cruel? Sending your subordinates to be certianly defeated by a one man army to save your own skin, or the one man army eating a criminal while they beg and plead? Really, Hunting Criminals can kinda morally gray sometimes,food's food tho.

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Voretober Day 22: Love
I might like eating micros like they're candy, but I LOVE eating larger guys that think they're tough
They obviously never met my throat muscles!
The pulling contest always ends with me as the victor~
Featuring a minty roo~

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Day 22: Love

Loving a Heavy Lycanroc tum full of prey

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Here we have Zard and has starting to grow fond of Xadier and the two of them give a kiss
(Day 22: Love)

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Voretober Day 21: Stalk
Some of you have been enjoying me filling up on others~
Don't worry, I can see you, even with my back turned and my mask on. And I have something to say
I'll come when you least expect >:3

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Here we have Yamiz on the hunt as he closes in on a second prey
(Day 21: Stalk)

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Day 21: Stalk

"This is gonna be a walk in the park"

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Voretober Day 20: Show
The disappearing show is a special show where I get to eat and you get to beg for me to go when commercials start~

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Day 20: Show

I like eating snacks during movies ok

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Day 19: Star

Phaeton tends to get big after dinner... perfect timing to use him as a bed while looking at the stars!

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Day 18: Silent

After luring in Charmeleon... they went silent! :0

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Day 16: Adventure. Ollie was hired to go on a low stakes journey to limit the imp population.

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Days where Kimoru isn't sleeping all day or spending quality time with loved ones, you can Find Kimoru fishing at the nearby River! He slurps up any captured water types, gulps em down, and reels em in! No wonder that lure i see around looks so good!

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Voretober Day 17: Bait
A simple one for today~
Just me hanging a delicious gummy worm at the end of my throat
Go ahead and grab it, it's delicious and nice~

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// //
Finally managed to finish this! Taking advantage of the ongoing storyline in MtG, I decided to draw Ajani for both day 1 and day 2 of voretober!

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Day 16 - Bubble

Rock is confused about how I got into a bubble. I am more confused why he has glasses when we never see his eyes????

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Day 17: Lure

The tides are quiet. The moon is out and the fish are biting like crazy.
The biggest catch of thebday should be one that turns heads and maybe profit.
The baiter got baited and becomes bait for the big blubber ball's belly.
Catch of the day. *Gworgle*

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Voretober Day 15: Bubble
I always love making little additions to my snacks
Like adding micros to my bubble gum
It's really funny when it pops, they go flying everywhere
I try to catch them in my maw before they fall and have a chance to escape~

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