Don't miss getting into . Games already underway and soldiers are winning ETH, free NFTs and more! Minting now with promo. 💎🤲 on this project!

2 3

And we're in battle again! A quick 24 hour battle before Season 1 begins. Pick up your soldier for passive rewards in this ongoing battle royale style W2E game. I love this project! Valuable prizes. My guy won once. Can we do it again?!

3 4

One of my favorite projects is . Still minting, battles in progress, excellent prizes for winners and random soldiers throughout battle. All you have to do is hold a soldier, or a queen to get added benefits!

3 3

One of my favorite projects is . Still minting, battles in progress, excellent prizes for winners and random soldiers throughout battle. All you have to do is hold a soldier, or a queen to get added benefits!

3 3

I'd buy about 3, but one would definitely be to mint a couple more soldiers from and hoping for that last queen. Passive battle royale style W2E game with big prizes for winners. Check it out!

3 5

Passive battle royale style gaming. I love . My soldiers do their best to win it all! Battles ongoing and minting is live with promo! Win valuable NFTs with gaming.

3 4

My favorite project is . Still minting, battles in progress, excellent prizes for winners and random soldiers throughout battle. All you have to do is hold a soldier, or a queen to get added benefits!

2 2

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

4 4

Don't miss getting into . Games already underway and soldiers are winning ETH, free NFTs and more! Minting now with promo. 💎🤲 on this project!

3 5

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

3 4

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

3 4

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

3 5

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

3 4

Check out . It’s the 1st doing (watch2earn) which is similar to but done passively. Your soldiers fight style to win you valuable and other great prizes safely from your own wallet. Only 2% listed on

2 3

Don't miss getting into . Games already underway and soldiers are winning ETH, free NFTs and more! Minting now with promo. 💎🤲 on this project!

3 4

Rested and ready. I've got more soldiers than there are queens, so our aim today is to take those queens down! Who's got the stamina to win the grand prize? Time will tell.

3 5

I wouldnt sleep on if I were you! Great community, great utility, and good fun! What more could you want?

5 5

Don't miss getting into . Games already underway and soldiers are winning! I just won the last battle with a prize worth .15ETH! Minting now with promo. 2% listed because we 💎🤲#NFTs that grinds for you.

2 4

OMG. We are going out to battle again?
Things are always happening

I can't keep up!
If you want an NFT that just keeps grinding for you, then this is for you.
? Where did you leave your gattling guns?

3 8

My favorite project is . Still minting, battles in progress, excellent prizes for winners and random soldiers throughout battle. All you have to do is hold a soldier, or a queen to get added benefits!

2 2