$cyberl0ve. I've been a fan and the money would help me so much right now.😭😭😭

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$XENSOUL trying to fund for my comic book and publish ✨⭐️✨

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I’m make art celebrating black pop culture, music, and feminity! I would use what ever $ to expand my business AND IM YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN!!!! 👀 $TylaMadeIt !

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Anime Fan and artist $VinnieDraw 🥺❤️💙

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I am an artist, mother of 3 trying to support my family and my dreams in the midst of all this shit. Heres examples of a few of my pieces, focused on the Accession of the culture. cashapp: $dephbychocolate https://t.co/Ugs5JtSVHv

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Heyy I’m a 23 year old young black mother whose an artist. I put mywhole life into honing my craft. I am now selling my artwork on https://t.co/S2EU6agSjW I can use it to buy more materials to get bigger and better art to the people to support my family. $zayia1010

11 16

I’m an artist and small business owner and would love to grow my brand! Ever since I was a child this has been my dream and there’s nothing going to stop me from achieving it!

10 18