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Get to know my OC (Tav) better ✨
• Name: Miranda Heltav D'lael
• Age: 82
• Race: Drow
• Origin: Entertainer
• Alignment: Chaotic Good
• Class: Wild Sorc/Bard Swords
• Lover: Gale
• Besties: Karlach, Astarion
• Fun fact: she & her brother were once drow elite warriors

120 2314

30 years already!? I don't normally show W.I.P. like this, but this month marks the 30th Anniversary of : Mutant Warriors and released to home systems, also 30 years of both Rachel and appeared in general!
Thank you for your continued support!

120 430

I’m back on my warriors ocs 😭

4 25

4th Legion: Iron Warriors Small Tora 🚧
7th Legion: Imperial Fists Small Tora ✊

229 1674

A spirit monster who’s been roaming since the beginning of time, bringing with it snowstorms and blizzards that can freeze even the toughest warriors solid.

2 5

M!Byleth and f!Shez sparring at the training ground, commissioned by Anonymous Vgen Client☺️

79 367

I'm starting interesting the ancient Hungarian warriors

2 11



15 88

Battle for Control!
Featuring Emma vs Melinda from Unicorn; Warriors Eternal!

62 300

They shall be my finest warriors, these dead who give of themselves to me
They will be of iron will and steely muscle with the mightiest guns will they be armed
They will be untouched by plague or hunger,
no sickness will blight them
They are my Sons and they shall know no fear

61 636

And all of this I'm sure, it's Oda's intention from the very beginning. The way he made the story Dory and Brogy 24 yrs ago, so crystal clear imply to Zoro and Sanji. The 2 warriors, whether they die fighting each other or die fighting side by side, just them 2, a tied bond.

3 91

日本初のwarriors MAPが1周年を迎えました!!


51 362

Ssatu Longbow warriors.

8 73

An Astarto-Faronian Captain and a Faronian Heavy Swordsman whose render is an edit of the original Astarto-Faronian Officer. They are inspired by the elite warriors of the ancient Gauls.

9 67

VAQ-209"Star Warriors"COMMANDER AF500 2023Ver EA-18G Growler BuNo.166896

5 18

UWE x Demon slayer
*feat. Northern Elf siblings

15 67