"The Greens of Summer" by Leanne Fink is a peaceful painting in oil and cold wax. Her art is joyful, sophisticated and imbued with unerring luminosity. Her mastery of color is evident in the healing force that immerses itself in every composition. https://t.co/fZfbti4oiQ

0 2

Music Mogul is the project with the highest sales volume. Everyone would want this Gabby Bandalier valued in 15 WAX. Complete the tasks and get an entry for the raffle:
☑️ Follow &
☑️ RT
☑️ TAG 3 Crypto Friends
💬 WAX wallet

181 192

"The Greens of Summer" by Leanne Fink is a peaceful painting in oil and cold wax. Her art is joyful, sophisticated and imbued with unerring luminosity. A mastery of color is evident in the healing force that immerses itself in every composition. https://t.co/RJuLKMXJBg

0 4

Thanks to some INTENSE bids this week, we've added 125WAX to our Duck Butt Farm reward pool! Total now 1114 WAX.

We're now at 100 Butts staked! Stake your 1/1 Duck now, the reward pool will only keep growing with each auction!

Talk about


5 9

This dip is very wild but it’s also exactly why I build on The community is rock solid and as boring chains dry up WAX will thrive because it’s FUN TO USE! Stay strong

4 25

My friend Juan, who helped kickstart the guest.series for me, is also bringing some of his own art to Wax.

Whitelisting will be soon but I'm helping him build his templates and teaching him about nfts since he helped me. He's got tons of art


First few👇

2 7

The new 1/1 auction is up !!
24 hours long and start bid of 15 wax.

Every bid will be rewarded an auctioneer NFT after the auction is over to blend for others 1/1

Thank you and Good luck !!💖 💖 💖

NFTHive: https://t.co/pLqbAYGrNF
AH: https://t.co/gStXRoiyCd

2 8

I suggest Tohru, in stone or wax.

1 2

This was supposed to be an inuokko hairstyle swap but gosh, Yuuta looks really bad in a bowlcut-
Uh yeah, so here's Inumaki only, he stole Yuuta's hair wax.

0 3

Ayaka tilts her head at a distant noise, swiveling the ear pick, a soft jab silencing it. Removing the pick, she examines the tip, finding only wax.

In the depths of her ear, you struggle to escape the mound, your mouth flooded with bitter brown wax as you try to shout.

16 92

"What reminds me of her? Terrible singing first of all, but also the soft smell of petrichor. And beeswax."

It's the lovely bosmer of course! She's wonderful, show her some love💛

5 56

"Jumping Grasshopper" is jumping into wallets tomorrow at 1:30 PM PST for 10 WAX. Just enough time for you to snag one before you jump into the weekend!!!

DROP LINK: https://t.co/49QtlIHID2

0 6

Looking for 10 artists who want to onboard onto WAX.

I will give you my banana that is backed by 30 WAX tokens. You can burn to receive your tokens to begin creating and collecting on

Make a wax wallet and comment below if you’re interested to get waxed off.

14 50

only 30 MINUTES to get this for 3 WAX instead of 10 WAX.

1 4

max supply 10.

also we de a giveaway.
tag some friends.

24 hours.

54 61

10th nft. 2 more until i add detailed ears and wax. buy now for a dolarr. sells in 3 years for 3 dollars

0 2