Not sure if it means anything, but putting this season's posters side by side, it has the same background + Barry is standing the same way, only in the second one he is masked + the other characters are there

0 2

In Honor of World Art Day, share some of your favorite Westallen or Flash fan art.

24 165

TFW looking at the calendar and seeing today is February 9th, meaning we're officially EXACTLY ONE MONTH away from the return of Season 8! RT if you're excited for all-new episodes of What are you looking forward to see?

39 130

Barry and Iris meeting in the Flash volume 4 (new 52)

1 24

Barry Allen kissed his beloved Iris West on DCTV, in the animated JSA movie and in the comics. We are still waiting for the DCEU kiss.

0 5

Candice Patton is THE REASON lots of ppl are so enthusiastic about

Her beauty, talent, charisma, fun personality & smarts are unparalleled

She and her Sister-Queens are amazing

Go WestWilder WestAllen WildMoore!

Art by

18 78

Fans are EXHAUSTED for the past 2 years at least

FORTUNATELY your art has sustained us, 🙏

We deserve great SL and plots etc...

4 11

What I’m looking forward to ⚡️💜⚡️

9 56

i love how they put Iris in there, main crew shit

18 142

We get them back in a couple weeks.
Seem so close but still so far away… cannot wait…crossing fingers for this season…🤞🏽
In the meantime here a little something for the timeline… fans are you ready!? 🤗💜⚡️

13 56

Glad he has some valiant super-friends to collab with and neutralize this villain

0 3

ok, i see them stepping it up, now we just need the writers to step it up!

17 107