Question I've always had...who is the reddish blonde next to Hawkeye. Is it supposed to be Shanna? I never have been sure...

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Happy Valentine's Day, time for girlfriends ✨America and Ramone are extremely cute! And I'm pretty sure their ship name is StarSurf which is even cuter!!

9 26

Spend an abhorrent amount of time on this, like 6 hours kind of abhorrent.

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is one of the masters of drawing tech in comics. Gruesome and heartbreaking stuff.

& (Vol. 2, 1989)

W/A-#JohnByrne, I-#MikeMachlan, C-#PaulBecton, L-#BillOakley

5 16

Estou com relativo excitex por amanhã. Um indivíduo agarra-se a estas pequenas coisas.
(A imagem é de West Coast Avengers, de John Byrne, 1989. Sim, já lá estavam as sitcoms.)

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陸を走るサメ映画のコミックじゃなくて1963年から細々と続いてきたアメリカ西海岸を守る『ウェストコースト・アベンジャーズ 』の何度目かの再コミック化なんです。

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That time I colored a bunch of WEST COAST AVENGERS covers. These were a ton of fun!

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did this awesome team-up between and Both Joe and love the non-sensical hip holes in Kate's costume

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When I saw that reference photo and I immediately thought of with so I drew them  :DDD 

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I love Clint's colours and I love his outfit[s] in
Inspired me to draw something bright like this.
is nice. We like him in this house.

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Plus, America Chavez - we always need more America Chavez

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Y'all should pick up West Coast Avengers so it can be renewed and Jeff can live on.

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