William Blake died in 1827. These illustrations by Blake are for the poem “The Grave” (1743) by Scottish poet Robert Blair, one of the pre-Romantic Graveyard Poets.

The Skeleton Reanimated
The Gambols of Ghosts
Beside an Open Grave

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Il 1827 moriva Spirito ribelle e visionario, parola e pittura espressioni di un genio basato su istanze neoclassiche e preromantiche, ricco di simbolismi. Incisore di talento, ideò una tecnica innovativa per opere di sorprendente forza di immaginazione.

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"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour"

Poems: https://t.co/0EIbkJpVZo

195th Anniversary ✒️🎨 visionary English poet and artist, 12 Aug 1827.

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The mirth colour the corn colour the summer
night colour

A thousand thousand summer nights pass

And children weave their daisy chains and place
them on the heads of fallen idols

from 's Joy, an evocation of Catherine Blake

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William Blake, And I Only Am Escaped (The Book of Job), 1821 https://t.co/cAVfqn7gXs

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William Blake, The Angel Michael Binding Satan ("He Cast him into the Bottomless Pit, and Shut him up"), c. 1805 https://t.co/IDDyUBcYxb

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William Blake, And My Servant Job Shall Pray for You (The Book of Job), 1821 https://t.co/ZYqlGMCTD1

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‘I have no name
I am but two days old.’
-William Blake 1789


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William Blake, Thy Sons and Daughters Were Eating and Drinking Wine (The Book of Job), 1821 https://t.co/X828vhm3af

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William Blake, Let the Day Perish Wherein I Was Born (The Book of Job), 1821 https://t.co/SiM6HuXbGV

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"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." William Blake

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William Blake, Ciampolo the Barrator Tormented by the Devils (from Dante's "Divine Comedy"), 1824-1827 https://t.co/uKjO7ohhI9

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Illustrations for Milton’s Paradise Lost, 1808 https://t.co/hAuOTVNpix

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Happy Birthday William Blake, in 1757. We mark this by sharing one of our most iconic works from our collection, The Ancient of Days, which is currently on show in our Standardisation and Deviation exhibition.

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Born in 1757: English poet, painter, and printmaker (1757-1827)

Self-portrait, 1802

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William Blake was born in 1757. These illustrations by Blake are for the poem “The Grave” (1743) by Scottish poet Robert Blair, one of the so-called Graveyard Poets.

The Skeleton Reanimated
The Gambols of Ghosts
By an Open Grave

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