Remember when Cyclops had heart surgery done using Wolverine’s and Marrow’s bones as scalpels?

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The issue is also notable for featuring the first big interaction between Wolverine and Gambit – a sparring session in the danger room. The conflict is used to reflect Wolverine’s diminishment, whilst also establishing Gambit as enigmatic and possibly duplicitous. 5/8

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(DC VS Marvel)

Can Karate Kid defeat one of Wolverine’s mightiest rivals?

Who wins, and why?

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As the mission gets underway, Havok seeks to fulfill the Wolverine role by intimidating a prisoner for information (even using Wolverine’s language). It goes poorly. 5/11

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Quick sketch. I like the hair style, somewhat resembles Wolverine’s

9 7

Hugh Jackman got his COVID vaccine — 'Wolverine’s healing ability can’t save me' 💉

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Despite his lack of good judgment or combat skills, Alex is nonetheless quite happy to constantly question and undermine Wolverine’s authority as leader of the team in these early issues, ironically just as Wolverine did to Cyclops in the early years of their relationship. 3/11

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This page from X-Men Schism is gorgeous, and I LOVE Wolverine’s claws slicing through Scott’s beam!

Even if I did t like the story (which I really do) this would have made the whole thing worth it 😁❤️

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At the time, Wolverine had not yet been described in these terms (he actually really didn’t have a lot of narrative descriptions yet). It may be fitting then, that Claremont had ultimately intended for Sabretooth to be Wolverine’s father. 6/6

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Wolverine takes offense, and speaks to his commendations, his sense of duty, and ultimately his code of conduct, emphasizing his perspective on self-defense, all of which portray Wolverine’s use of lethal force as rational, rather than beastial. 5/7

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Wolverine’s a work of pure, emotional art. No other character has that range of visual intrigue without a costume 💯

Claws Up as usual this \\\🤠///

4 15

I don’t read comics but in X-Men Wolverine’s suit got messed up in the fight with the Shi’ar. He then beat up Fang and decided to just take dukes costume and rocked it for a while.

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Wolverine (2020)
Wolverine takes on The Flower Cartel and the Pale Girl. Writer Benjamin Percy, Artist Adam Kubert, Colorist Frank Martin: Percy does a good job getting in Wolverine’s head - examining his positive/negative traits, and how he’s learned to live with both. 4/5

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Even once defeated, Malice’s work continues to reveal character. In the aftermath of her attack, Wolverine makes a grave misjudgement, revealing Wolverine’s wavering faith in his instinctual senses – the edge that he’s losing (and will continue to lose). 8/11

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Laura Kinney is Wolverine’s clone. She’s widely known by her Weapon X code number: X-23. Just the perfect number for my challenge! Only one to go!

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WOLVERINE Wolverine gets his first tattoo, and then tussles with Thor, who demands answers for Wolverine’s recent villainous actions.

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I miss Wolverine’s brown costume...that’s what he was wearing when I first started reading comics in the mid 80’s...

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Wolverine’s first interaction with Gambit is a fight. In a simple 3-page sequence, Claremont establishes a dynamic animosity between the two brawlers, a generational conflict between old guard and new, and a tension between nostalgic loyalties and more recent bonds. 1/8

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(2014) 1st Printing The beginning of the end is now here...THE DEATH OF WOLVERINE! THREE MONTHS TO DIE, the loss of healing factor--all led to this....

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She only emerges in response to Wolverine’s desperate need, her first step toward transitioning from fan to hero herself. This transition informs her role as a reader-surrogate character, routinely deconstructing comics tropes. 5/7

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