Day 12 - Malagasy gecko

• There is a wide variety of gecko species in Madagascar, but these small animals are victims of the exotic animal trafficking.

The Madagascar giant day gecko is very popular in captivity.

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Day 11 - Indri

• Also named Babakoto, there're many myths & legends around this animal, unfortunately it is no longer protected by taboos (fady), due to the collapse of traditional beliefs. They're threatened by logging, hunt and clandestine sapphire mines.

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Day 10 - Madagascar Pochard !

• It's one of the rarest birds in the world, victim of invasive species and destruction of its habitat, they totally disappeared from Alaotra Lake. A conservation program in the country is trying to restore a stable population.

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Day 9 - Microcebus

• Microcebus are the smallest lemurs ! They're arboreal and nocturnal species. They're omnivores and feed on insects, fruits, nectar, gum, and leaves.

• The smallest primate of the world is Madame Berthe's mouse lemur !

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Day 7 - Lepilemur

• The genus Lepilemur includes 26 species of sportive lemurs. They're nocturnal animals, they feed mainly on fruits and leaves. During the day they sleep on tree hollows.

Petter's sportive lemur is one of the smallest sportive lemurs !

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Day 3 - Cheirogaleus

• Dwarf lemurs are small nocturnal primates endemic to Madagascar.
The Ankarana dwarf lemur is a species from the Cheirogaleus's family known only from northern Madagascar, first identified in 2014 then described in 2016.

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Day 2 - Fossa

• The fossa (or fosa) is the largest predator of Madagascar. It's not a cat nor a mongoose but an unique species of the Eupleridae's family !

The fossa is threatened by the fragmentation of its habitat and the decline of the preys.

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October's the best month because it's Lemurs month ! 💚🎃✨

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Day 1 - Varecia !

• Varecia is a genus that includes the red ruffed lemur and the B&W ruffed lemur (3 Subspecies).
They're well known for sunbathing by doing relaxed poses. It's one of the loudest lemurs !

They're threatened by deforestation & poaching.

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There's still time to get a 2021 or tee, hoodie, bag, sticker, or even baby onesie before the big day! Remember World Lemur Day is October 29!

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• Celebrate World Lemur Festival 2021 with us during October ! ✨

Support & ! 🐒🌿

October Drawing Challenge ✏️
• Do you want to participate ?
Use join the challenge, and SHARE LEMUR LOVE ! 💚

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🍂 Day 22: Malagasy snakes

• Madagascan blind snake (Xenotyphlops mocquardi)
• Three-striped ground snake (Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus)
• Red-striped smooth snake (Liophidium pattoni)

Materials: Pilot hybrid technica 0.3, Pentel pocket brush pen, Copics

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🍂 Day 21: Reddish-gray mouse lemur (Microcebus griseorufus)

Mouse lemurs are the smallest lemur, with gray mouse lemurs being the largest of the species.

Materials: Pilot hybrid technica 0.3, Copic markers

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Day 3 of blue eyed black lemurs
Female on the left & male on the right

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draw challenge day
Malagasy chameleon

Lesser chameleon or Minor's chameleon, an endangered species. Unusually for chameleons it is the female rather than the male that is bright and colourful.

Just a sketchy one today, aaah.

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Gonna try and do as many of these as I can, starting on day 4 (oops) with a Malagasy chameleon! I chose a Panther Chameleon!

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But hey I DO have this journal page from the day I got to see them in the wild! Except I had to finish the drawing a bit later because I actually was horribly sick that day from a sunstroke or something, oops. Plus a decade old art of our blue eyed lemur OCs.

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October Draw Thingy DAY
Blue-eyed Black lemurs!

Also known as Sclater's lemur! They're super endangered, they reckon there's only about 1000 left in the wild and most of their habitat is gone. The female is orange-brown and the male is completely black.

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