Sketches of lovely sea turtles at the Olive Ridley Project in the Maldives! We drew Azura, Xena, Heidi and Tibby 🌊

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Archi made me this cute portrait with all my cats (some are gone, but others are w/ me at the moment!)

Let me introduce them: Xena, Leone, Sophie, Marie, Sissi 💛

The artist IG: archina.laezza

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Hi! I'm Masaki Rixena, you can call me Maki! Though I look human, I am not. I am a obake, a shapeshifting ghost. I'm not here to scare though, I'm just trying to live my best death. I didn't get to meet many people before my untimely demise, so I'd like to meet all of you!

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Aproveitando que dei uma atualizada nos meus portifas, esqueci de postar essa commission que fiz para a faz moh cara da personagem dela: Xena, a guerreira cheia de itens mágicos.

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here's a look at some of those sketches:
Xena, B. Orchid

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I need to shade it but shading sucks wiener balls.

From left to right we have:
Xena, Courtney, April, and Janet

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Xena, Rosamia, ❤Aria❤, and Josephine

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Iris and Xena, siblings.

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Commission for !! Xena, now in harpy forme!

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Just uploaded a bunch of artwork to my art sites, including a bunch more cute transformations! (For the record, that's my friend's Jakkai, Xena, not Rhea.)

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A Afronte é uma das minhas personagens mais antigas e prediletas. O mais legal dela é a mudança de personalidade que atua junto do figurino do dia, seu look comum é inspirado na Xena, A princesa Guerreira. Aqui são algumas outras vezes que desenhei ela anos atrás.

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Time to finish the Pokemon saga. Here we have Bolt the Jolteon, Stalker the Umbreon, Subject 001 the Eevee along with his trainer Xena, leader of Team X. And finally, we have the whole team all together.

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Kalau tanya geng2 90s 00s konfem kenal dengan watak Vanness, Aditas, Froggy, Si Kosong, Xena, Bepop & Cikgu Noodle dari Komik Gempak! Nampak gaya Lawak Kampus bakal jadi Anime TV Series! Siapa sini fans tegar Lawak Kampus? 🙋‍♂️

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Giambattista Pittoni/Giovanni Battista Pittoni (1687 - 1767)

The Sacrifice of Polyxena, c 1733 - 1734

Getty Center

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Sebastiano Ricci (1659 - 1734)

The Sacrifice of Polyxena, between c 1726 and c 1730

Royal Collection

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Dnd illistration of my cousin as his Ranger character Fenn Alcrest, with his animal companion Xena, commissioned by my aunt for Christmas. Not gonna lie, it was a little weird painting my own cousin. 😅

Painted in Procreate and Photoshop!

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crushing more character portraits per usual. Here's Veronica, the Changling Warlock played by and Xena, the Kalashtar Cleric played by in our new Rime campaign, in which it is not permissible to have bad hair.

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A Halloween commission for . Stormy dressed up as Xena, the Warrior Princess!

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Debo confesar que no he visto completos los 2 últimos capítulos de xena, porque en mi cabeza si no los veo nunca se acabo la serie. esta escena es de mis favoritas, obvio son novias y quien diga que no, nos vemos afuera del metro.

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