Yumy 💙💜
Gracias por apoyarme, con este proyecto, les presento a Yumi, solo falta una Amy😊
(Es una recreación del oc de una vieja amiga de amino)😔
Ples 🙏🏿 ❤️ y 🔄 gracias
(Creo cambiaré mi pintado perdón)

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my reaction will none because my muse is Yumi, and I'm acostumbrate see to Yumi and Asuka like that.

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I love it when Yozakura slapped Yumi,s ass 🤤 😏💙💙💙💙💙💙 and I love it and I don't blame her really 😏😏 https://t.co/LXk70XB6Mk

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Alguns dos meus bebês ^-^ Tora e Akira , Natsuki e Fuyumi, Helljin e Lúcia, Satsuki e Kage

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I'm Yumi, a brazilian illustrator and comic artist!

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I'm Mayumi, a Japanese illustrator in the US who loves drawing botanicals, nature and kids.

🌐 https://t.co/OfC4jgb0hP
📚Represented by

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Oie! Meu nome é Nathalie ou nayumi, sou designer e ilustradora! Tô acostumada a fechar arquivos para impressão em silk e já fiz algumas estampas para alguns influencers!

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essa eh a sayumi, procurada pelo pai dela (membro da yakuza) e fugiu pra Itália pra aprender mais sobre medicina já q o pai dela só treinava ela e a irmã pra serem armas mortais 😍

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Adachi Yumi, Japanese actress

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Oi! Meu nome é Nathalie, ou nayumi, sou ilustradora, e ano passado em lancei meu primeiro livro ilustrado, junto com meu pai.
Gosto muito de concept art e ilustração de mascotes hoje em dia é minha especialização, mas trabalho com estampas também!

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Happy belated birthday ( 12/31 ) to one of my favorite waifus & girls of - the absolutely beautiful snow angel of Gessen Girl’s Academy!!! 😍❤️🎁🎂🎉🎊

ENGLISH VA: Mallorie Rodak ( Shinovi Masters ), ( Cross Tag Battle )

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https://t.co/6FxAqcijpr Greetings, you may call me Cyrus. I am a naga, brother to Chiyumi, and a moonborne creature who help weave the cycle of day and night with my sibling. Neither of us are gods, but to most mortals, they would believe us to be for our ability.

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So before the year ends, I wanna talk about two of my favorite moments from the newest gun kitty issue by the lovely

First up, Yumi’s Punch…powerful, straight to the point, and a note to not underestimate Yumi,

Second…the final page, a nice way to say (1/2)

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"Ayumi, I need you to swear"

Thank you to for making my Christmas present to :3

@/Nerinn_ made the comic strip this is based on!

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I want you to draw an illustration of Nikoyu fem, the Santa Claus who eats the bad child, swallowing the bad child Yumi from the head!

I want Yumi, who is a very bad child, to receive a gift of [vore] from Santa Claus Nikoyu fem!😇🙏🙏🙏

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Ferma is a Yumi, beings inspired by the chandikas. The women have long, gorgeous hair that can sharpen into shards and cut through steel and a man's throat. they are fearsome warriors, and Ferma is Elena's protector 13/

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I quickly drew OCs based on the Arknights SkadiCry emote and coloured them !
Featuring Ayumi, Moai's OC Léna and 's OC !

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Yumi, Senran Kagura.
Looking sexy, Yumi! 💙

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