I don't got much motivation today, so here's some old art of some giant fluffy space penguin... things.

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Here comes Caspar for @/spacepenn !!

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October 14 “Pencils” quick cartoon style illustration of DTM for stickers and branding holding the and with BETA version on the Pro

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Quizas es miedo, quizas es porque a diario existe alguien que nos dice que no lo hacemos bien,suele pasar no normal,por que nos desilucionamos y frustramos como todos los humano,pero solo tan vez es por que mejoramos a un ritmo mas lento,no se,creo que esalgoquenoshacepensar asi

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iPad Proと迷ったけど、Adobeソフトを勉強するならパソコンが便利かなーと思ったのが決め手です。

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So many of our players use too - perfect for doing a quick sketch! You only get 10 minutes - we love the results! https://t.co/9W8ldePlZt

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