We already lost paradise, we just have to enjoy!

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Welcome to another week, or in Eve's case, another week of the same old, same old...#cartoonist

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This will be my last piece - I want to keep going but also the challenge is over & I need to let it go 🙈


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Eve is coming along, just the apple left to do. After this I'm gonna draw Lilith and then Mary. If you want to see anymore Biblical women, let me know and I'll add to the series!

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Finished! I’m calling this piece ‘Eve’s Dilemma.’ Eve can get a lot of blame aimed her way, but I like her. She chose knowledge and growth over innocence and safety, even when it was difficult. That’s admirable.

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Current WIP. Made with . I’d ask you guess which story this is about, but I think it’s a little obvious.

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Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. (Genesis 2:8)

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• Seth married Azura which would lead to the generation of Noah
• Cain married Awan which lead to the generation of Enoch - book of Jubilees

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