Thank you for creating such a beautiful story. I will treasure for life ❤🥰

//I am still sad it is ending QnQ

148 347

Blood for the god of blood

I really loved these panell, we can see in his face a little of desperation and worry. Which is something really awesome coming from the guy that never dies

2 11

Kemudian, jika yang anda maksud Hadits Palsu adalah "anjuran untuk tidak mencabut zakar sebelum istri orgasme", maka anda telah SALAH BESAR.


Sebab riwayat itu tertulis dalam Kitab Majma' Az-Zawaid dan juga Kitab Musnad Abu Ya'la.

Silakan dibaca kitabnya 👇🏻

5 41

Their names: Raditsu and Ifuku (Revision of Trunch)

2 12

Dua hadits di atas adalah perintah Rasulullah setiap kali beliau memerintahkan sesuatu pada sahabat.

Lalu bagaimana mengajarkan sholat pada anak2 usia dini?

Kembali lagi, terlebih dahulu tanamkan pada anak utk mencintai Allah dan Nabinya.


15 97

Baik mari kita diskusi.
Pertama, tetap saya menanyakan ttg illat keharamannya yg belum anda jawab.

Kedua, saya lampirkan dua hadits yg pada kedua redaksinya disebutkan lafadz tamatsil.

Nah, apa yang dimaksud dengan tamatsil dan tamatsil apakah yg dimaksud oleh Rasulullah?

0 2

What the ...🤣
"Cat in his Natural Habitat" by Drawsandraw😂😂
Guys, send us your best "So bad it's good" animal drawings‼️✨
Make sure to add the tag "SoBadItsGood"🤟
And check out Drawsanddraw⬇️👀

2 14

The Birth of New OC: Haruka '' The Lewd Bunny ''
Creadits to for name it!🥳

5 25

A rex with his favorite large dragon relaxing the night away in bliss. Flint and Aditsan resting and enjoying the stars under them as well the company they're giving each other!

I really love this piece! <3

Artist -

Gift from & owner of Aditsan -

66 295

Halfbrother to and all around badass, it's I always enjoy drawing him, probably because of the hair^^

7 21