Invasiva presencia de en el al de la semana pasada: Haitzinger , , y

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Posca commissions wips first 2 are for @ sarahkalaitzidis and @ catdoof on instagram and the last two are for and

Hopefully I’ll get a few of these done this weekend. Sketches still need to be cleaned up and some Antomy fixed.
!Posca coms still open!

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Aste honetan “Landa Lan. A Documentation of Darcy Lange” erakusketa berria inauguratuko dugu Tabakaleran. Besteak beste, bere obraren iraupen, luzapen eta zorroztasun formalak bihurtu zuten aitzindari bideo-artearen munduan.

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Mañana en hablamos con Aitziber Akerreta sobre "Cuando os hagáis pequeños"

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Magisa Radiklia-Enas mpoufos sto flitzani,Text:Christina Kalaitzi,Illu:Villie Karabatzia,Publications Polaris 2013

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