day 3: graduation

fukurodani 3rd years are graduating and i might have made myself cry a little while making this one 🙃🙂🙃

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AKAASHI! He's definitely one of the best characters in In a CoffeeShop AU, he'd spend all day in a cafe instead of babysitting Bokuto (although with his luck, Bokuto would find him eventually😊) Celebrating with

2 7

Day 4! [Stars]

Sleepin beauty sleeping on the clouds with the stars✨

I don't feel like drawing Coffeshop AU so i just drew the prompt instead

87 390

| Day 4: stars ✨

Another quick drawing bc I'm weak for Akaashi and "stars" 🥺 I don't know how to feel about this one in particular but yeah...

9 40

ITS AKAASHI WEEK day 2!! Delinquent!!
I dont think i'll be able to make it til the end ;~; but i'd like to pick days which im interested in!
This sounds better in my head but protective kohai akaashi and sugawara senpai. did i hear sugaaka/akasuga heh

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Day 3 of : Single Parent AU (I guess lol)

Part 1/2

Akaashi accidentally met up with Bokuto's son made him accidentally met up with Bokuto 👀

4 15

El búho merodeando en la noche
Día 2: Delinquent Au

3 11

yep yep this is all i got
day three: single parent au

1 7

day 2: delinquent au 💀

172 562

word has it that the delinquent akaashi has a nickname...

12 48

Comenzamos ahora con el especial de Akaashi 🦉💕 mi tercer personaje favorito!!
Día 1: Reincarnation Au

3 26

Day 2 of : Delinquent AU

Akaashi is on his way to beat up those people who don't appreciate Bokuto as much as he does (lmao I'm just kidding I mean who doesn't love Bokuto 🗿)

3 32

reincarnation au✨ (aka that one guardian angel au i never continued)

i will,,,, speedrun akaashi week,,, plz pray for me
[ ]

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Day 1 - Reincarnation AU

Akaashi Keiji as a samurai of the Fukurodani Family.
I felt like he suited winter season the most!

42 138

day 1

над каждым временем возвышается свое небо

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