Profane Guttersnipes for Alaska.

38 150

Your chance to weigh in on restoring the budget cuts begin this week! will take public testimony on HB 2001, a bill that will determine and fund the PFD for 2019, can include restoring the cuts made by - see graphics for details!

13 19

“My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it.”

87 173

Gökyüzünün uzaya dokunduğu alacakaranlıktan, ardında ışıltılı bir iz bırakan o kadın geçti...

8 29

Bir mum yakan, bir gölge yaratır.
Hoşça kal canım kadın

0 5

Thank you for your beautiful and meaningful construction of words.

0 1