Thank you for the amazing references! I love drawing you! ❤️

4 151

Breaksketch from last night's stream. Blade is one of my favorite movies of all time. is the man!

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Just a little bit of pencil drawing for today's I like drawing trees. Is a thing? We should definitely make it a thing.

2 2

Began this as a for a prompt of "car". I do love the look of antique cars. Apparently my friend here does too.

1 3

"What... um. What is that sound?"

"Aww, is she purring? She must really like you!"

"Ah. Is that ... good?"

"What, you want the huge magical carnivore in your lap to DISLIKE you?"

"Oh. Right. I'll just keep scritching her chin then."

1 1

Fire and forget.

Breaksketch. Another oc of mine.

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Began this as yesterday's but there was too much going on to finish then so I touched it up today.

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Just practicing facial proportions and stuff,,,, supposed to be itsuki but o well lol

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Well, they seem to be enjoying themself anyway.

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[Jan 10, 2018: I just wanted to draw Rey in a scene, I guess

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"Hey! Those troublemakers are out joyriding on that old bicycle of yours!"

"What? That thing doesn't even work."

"When has observable reality ever stopped THEM?"

from the prompt of

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Working in monochrome again today, I like this blue-grey from Gansai Tambi.

Trying out an owl based gryphon, I may test out some different cat bodies, not sure this one suits me.

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Today's prompt was I worked today and had a few other things to take care of, so this one is a pretty quick I do love a good over engineered steampunk-ish machine, though.

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