Battlecats: Tales Of Valderia is an Indie Comic Mini-Series created by a revolving door of talent, spearheaded by the Battlecats writer and creator: Mark London.

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At the time of this article, there are not enough critic reviews of Battlecats: Tales of Valderia to form an Average Score.

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Tales of Valderia though it could be scoffed at as being simply Battlecat Kids, is culturally significant as an insight into how the Valderian Cat people interact with one another.

Read the full article: Battlecats: Tales of Valderia Review

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"In the ancient times the Alderians would establish themselves in the continent, and their empire would last for centuries to come..."

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Mark London tells the story in Battlecats: Tales of Valderia that Battlecats fans want to read.

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La version finale de Vivic faite par Blue selon mon concept art. Je suis trop contente du résultat! Mici Blue <3

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Stories from the lush history of the Battlecats, lots of beautiful character profiles and... zombies?
BATTLECATS - TALES OF VALDERIA by , Michael Camelo and Mauricio Villarreal is a fun ride and a must have for all (come to be) BATTLECATS fans.⚔️

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Issues 1-4 of Battlecats: Tales of Valderia are available for purchase right now in comic book form from our Preferred Comic Book Retailer.

Read the full article: Battlecats: Tales Of Valderia Comic Series

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