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Interesting fact that he knows Karate because he won black belt Karate which is so cool. During in LN Volume 3 he has good eyes because he watched Alya use her phone to learn how to make the porridge while in bed. He definitely a prodigy!(☆ω☆)
Alya in Virgin Destroyer Sweater
童貞を56す アーリャさん #ロシデレ #Roshidere
My guess is in the final episode during the closing ceremony...Masachika going to speak Russian once for Alya to hear him. 😁
Так чертовски жарко💦
#ロシデレ #時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん #RoshiDere #アリサ・ミハイロヴナ・九条 #Alya
Volume 9 is already amazing. I read the Prologue along Chapter 1 and 2 so far. The holding hands and Thigh moments is cute! Alya finally believes Masachika is the brother of Yuki. That's clear the misunderstanding.👍
A Crunchy não traduziu, mas nessa cena Alya diz "porque é você".
Потому что это ты
"pa-ta-moo chto eh-ta ti"
#roshidere #ロシデレ
which one you want to see more often?
Alya the mommz moff or Mara the Honey pot ant?
Boa noite! Durmam bem.
Amanhã planejo fazer live desenhando a Alya. Talvez umas 10h.