
120 362

Character: Rin
Source: Katawashoujo
~May I offer a beautiful Red-haired tomboy for this morning 🎁

3 25

I'm really happy for having met such a strong, lovely, determined and kawaii person, and I hope you can achieve all your dreams in life! Omedetou, Ha-chan! xD

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https://www.webtoons.comen/challenge/the-witch-and-the-hunter/list?title_no=286148 My new 🤗🤗🤗

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I tried for the first time ibis paint and it's pretty good, although I still have to understand some features

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First element is: Water! I really love making those golden details. =)
Do you guys have some anime that marked your childhood as well? Let me know in the comments! ;D

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First time drawing😆🙈
I love her😭😍❤

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『うた☆プリ Shining Live』寺島拓篤がゲームプレイ&企画にチャレンジ!!【AnimeJapan2019】


830 3371

Character: Lilly Satou
Source: Katawashoujo and Rtil
Little crossover cough amazing animations and a lot of dialogues

6 28

Filo fanart time!! =D I just kept wondering how she'd look like if she got serious about something and this was the result.
Hope you guys like it! xD

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