I come bearing fantastic news! Our incredible portrait artists has finished all 200 portraits needed for Here's a group photo of the last few supporting cast members. 😉 Getting so close to release now!! 🥳🥳🥳

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Hey will be gone for 2 weeks on vacation. Then I'll be re-fuelled and ready to work towards release! is a couple weeks from being a final build! Cannot WAIT to share it with you after 2 years of hard work!

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Getting closer and closer to having all the character portraits finished in So hyped!! The end is in sight!!!111

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Hey Much of this week's work on has gone into running playtests and carrying out bugfixes. In the interim I've been planning more promo material - here's our gorgeous protagonist, Ann!

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Playing around with visual ideas for the CORRUPTED ending of The results of too much time travel can be... unsettling.

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went really well today! Plenty of bugs spotted, but better found than hidden! Now to blast through three pages of fixes. 🔧

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"Going somewhere, madam? Curiosity killed more than just the cat, you know."

Meet Selma, the creepy neighbourhood witch in (Wonderful portrait done by !)

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The costume updates continue!! Ann is now properly wearing her jacket, and her hair colour is a better fit for her portrait. Happy Ann!

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"Whooooo is that girl I see? Staring straight, back at me..."

Poor Ann looking into her future!

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Looking forward to running another playtest of tonight! If any designer says they don't like watching their game being tested I'll eat my hat! 🤠

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Change the past. Change your future.

Some of the different versions of Ann's life that she returns to after meddling with the past! Her new portraits (courtesy of the talented ) are looking gorgeous! 😍

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Hey Long time follower, first time poster. 😊

Our current project is a game about travelling back in time to improve your ancestors' lives and your future. With your better future, you unlock new skills for next time you go back in time.

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Still get awestruck every time I see our beautiful commissioned art 🤩🤩🤩

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Another few hours of playtesting in. Always a pleasure seeing the game in action! Another 30 bugfixes to tend to! 💪

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Twitter, today is the day I conquer this forsaken ladder feature I've been meaning to implement for 4 months.
If I don't tweet again in 24 hrs send emergency help 💀

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Guys, I'm making a public appeal. Please do not kill the neighbourhood witch! 😢😢😢

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Another super productive playtest of completed! I forget just how funny the script is sometimes 😂😂 Now to crush these bugs!

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Introducing: Remedio! Another of the monks with a beautiful haircut. 😄😋

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The cast of so far! Past the half way mark now! Our character artist is doing an amazing job! 😍

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