I completed the Pinene twins of the kpop/rnb subgroup of !

I’ll revisit and change up their outfits later. Satisfied to complete this.

Should I personify more terpenes? Design some new cannabinoids? Or start the flavonoids?

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What’s your favorite terp?

Today I present Myrcene, leader of the K-Pop and RnB-inspired group “Terpy.” And my fave Terpinolene.

Limonene is next.

Production of my cannabis education art brand continues. Each day brings a new personified terpene~

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Queen CBD coming through with the goodness.

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kyou mo Kuma to nerunoyone.
noon gannbatte.subette.

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Happy Qixi Festival !💖💞🌟🍽️
An involuntary gift (Will)ψ(`∇´)ψ

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Pleaseee Matthew gonna be in s4 is confirmed and im longing for him homoerotically catching Will to catch Hannbal and get his revenge!! I miss his creepy dramatic ass!!
He is so 💪 ..it would be so fun to watch Will struggle hehe

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🐰「あああ…何故か🐯さんがOFUROで歌っていた不思議な歌が頭の中に流れてくる… babannbabanbanban♫」


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