enables all ecosystems to thrive! perform vital roles, right from seed dispersal to pest control. Massive pressures have imposed severe threats to avifauna across the world; loss, changes in migratory patterns, population decline... 1/2

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In our new study in , we provide observational and model evidence that expanding irrigation has dampened historical anthropogenic warming during hot days, with particularly strong effects over South Asia https://t.co/5xiOKYx6Kb

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Anthropogenic noise 🚢 🚤 affects behavioural traits that determine survival in coral reef fishes Laura Velasquez

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On I would like to draw attention to the elephant in the room: human and anthropogenic as well as the heightened need for family planning services, and education in those countries where women are denied basic human rights.

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We have a serious real and factual crisis, being ignored by the POTUS and GOP. Last year, we sustained $91B in losses. There are no longer such things as "natural disasters," atmospherically related, because every such disaster has anthropogenic influences.

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