We’d like to introduce our next featured project !!👹🔥 extremely colorful and high resolution antimasks play homage to OFFICIAL DROP at 5 PM EST !!! ——https://t.co/Qr2izagScs🔥👀👹

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...wh....what does fursuiting with broken bones have to do with antimaskers?

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Lrt rip to cis antimaskers but I'm different

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The fascists & their anti-mask movement
(the same who are happy to see millions of poor refugees dying in the lockdown of their camps)
remind me of those football hooligans from which the Clubs take distances on Monday & Presidents give free tickets on Sunday!

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Last semester of college > Now
Tbt to when it was like "As a senior, I'm already a shadow of a human being, so it cant get much worse" and then it did. Really fast. Now I just go out my way to inconvenience every antimasker I see in public- https://t.co/osLDCu5PPw

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Having just returned to the front lines as a restaurant employee full time (thanks antimaskers, COVID hoaxers, and general Karens across the board) this commission regretably took me longer than it should. But a happy puppy is a happy puppy.

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Hong Kong Court Rules Mask Ban Is Unconstitutional
The Oct. 4 was an excessive tightening of people’s despite the unrest, the city’s ruled, after a group of pro-democracy lawmakers challenged it.

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sprayed pepper solution with blue dye towards a in Kowloon.
Some believe the police did it on purpose due to recent support from Hong Kong on the movement.

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Let's put on a face
18 Oct 2019 (Fri) Human Chain say no to
20 Oct 2019 (Sun) 1020

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Thanks Canada🙌🏻🇨🇦We connect.
There is a van finding in Canada street and showing what happening in Hong Kong.

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