No Ghibli film is complete without a cute lil critter, and there's nothing cuter than a fluffy - Give the lil guy a name!

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Quick watercolours I’m not the happiest with - but going to share them with you anyway. An anurognathid and Bellubrunnus. Coeval creatures of diminutive size

12 39

anurognathid time
technically anurognathid time was 150mya but i say its now.

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Here is the video process of how I created this sketch of an indeterminate anurognathid pterosaur. Done in

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The muppet-faced anurognathids of Germany and China are the most famous of their group, but they also had a relative in North America called Mesadactylus.

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Pterosaur feathers

Pterosaurs are known to have been covered in hair-like pycnofibers. Two specimens of anurognathids show that some pycnofibers were brush- or tuft-shaped and probably share an evolutionary origin with feathers.

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Pterosaurs had FEATHERS!?! In a 🌟NEW🌟 study released in : Ecology and Evolution today shows that two anurognathid fossils found in China had primitive feathers to help keep them warm just like many

Learn more:

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The last known anurognathid lived in Cretaceous North Korea.

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