I never got this sad for just seeing these pictures without realizing it's only Levi left now😢

8 35

//Should I tag ?
I won’t explain any further ... if you know it, you know ...//

From then until now ...

I can’t believe that I’ll live to see this day ... he is really growing up so fine and reliable ... //crying//

22 61

Although I didn't agree with what she was doing, as human being Hanji Zoe was top-notch and she had a heroine's death. It's just that a "hero" can't save her people, only a "villain". May she rest in peace.

1 6

Goodbye Floch, you have been consistent until the end
You were a villain written very well.
It's a shame that people didn't appreciate you as fully as I did.

9 54


22 179

I'm already starting to miss her...
I mean, she wasn't my favorite character but she was still pretty interesting.

7 41

"Later Hange" , "Dedicated your Heart"

125 568

Connie you are the Next ...

2 9

R.i.P floch as well, he was anoying but also a great character, very good development

5 28

Happy Birthday, Commander Hange!
rest well, everything's about to end.


2 4

Postar pela milésima vez minha corrente aqui... Levi precisa acabar logo com isso e ir descansar junto dos companheiros dele EU NÃO AGUENTO MAIS LEVI PERDENDO OS AMIGOS DELE infernoooooooo

7 16

"Daijobu da!" (it'll be fine)

Happy birthday, Hange. To think that today's your birthday and...and--- ...

Here's a doodle of Hange cheering you all up, because you need it rn. 😭

8 48