//=time() ?>
Ive been wantimg to do this with one of my couples for quite a while and I think it best fits them- at some point Ivan will give up their eye for Apoo and replace it with a glass eye in his color ♡
Kid aunq no queria se termina aliando con Hawkis y Apoo para ir tras Shanks, probablemente a causa de la derrota q sufrio al haber ido solo y perder su brazo.
One Piece Onigashima spoilers
Apoo has fought 5 supernovas himself while Kaido and Bigmom fought 5 together, making it like 2.5 each. Therefore Apoo is twice as good as Kaido
HERE HE IS! My FNAF and One Piece loving self couldn’t resist- I had to make a Scratchmen Apoo + Dj Music Man combo 🤟🎶🎶
Apoo the biggest coward, Buggy can at least talk shit, Usopp isn't really a coward at all https://t.co/vYeMHc28Uv
L Drake have so man L's right now lmao:
- Washed by base Sanji
- Got exposed
- Couldn't even defeat 20% Apoo
- Got tossed around by a casual injured Yamato when Ulti could handle her a bit
- The only one who got slapped in a 2v2 fight lmao
Capo dei Numbers.
È ancora in piedi dopo aver subito:
- il 'Punk Gibson' da Kid;
- un colpo letale di Zoro;
- un morso da X Drake in Zoan Form;
- lo 'shigan' di un CP0 sul collo.
Apoo, ineluttabile ad Onigashima.
🎨 via deviantart / ACWart | #OnePiece
Knew Oda had something amazing for this week
Loved the chapter man
Big Mom greatness
Apoo/XDrake/Yamato stuff
CP0 coming for Robin
Sanji shining (nearly cried with the sanji-zoro interaction ngl)
Bringing back the apoo layout in celebration of tonight's episode
Soul king brook ☠️
vs. Scratchman Apoo 🎺🎵
I’d love to see this fight in wano
#OnePieceFanart #ワンピース #Brook #apoo
Tema: Akuma no mi zuadas porém fortes.
1- Sui Sui no Mi (Nadar) - Basicamente você vira a Nince Negra.
2- Pero Pero no Mi (Doce)
3- Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Pata) - Pq essa pata é OP?
4- Sem nome ainda (Som) - Apoo toca música e explode tudo? Como funciona? https://t.co/i8A3dLK0Va
Happy Birthday🎂Scratchen Apoo, Atmos, and Elg! #anime
@TinaFate1 The lit af JJK X CSM crossover post, Brooks vs Apoo which would actually be a hype fight 😂, and all the jojo waifu/husbando stands
Today's Voice Artist Spotlight: Brad Venable (R.I.P.) @bradvenable
IMDb: https://t.co/zwMfTmhP1n
Website: https://t.co/cU8OtU0tip
Born: July 16, 1977
Died: Jan. 7, 2021
Notable Roles: Griffon (Devil May Cry 5), Scratchman Apoo (One Piece)
@adultswimOOC #DevilMayCry5
Apoo! Speedpaint up on my channel https://t.co/0PEwpOsW3w
#ONEPIECE #opfanart #scratchmenapoo
Old crummy art but felt like sharing again after the nonstop W’s Apoo has been taking. Blocking Zoro AND Drake?
#OnePiece #Scratchmanapoo #Apoo #Chekyourroute #OnePiece995
The other two options were Jewelry Bonney which is understandable to disclude her because they'd have to figure how to translate her age manipulation fruit into a moveset, but Scratchmen Apoo is the other guy. The guy who attacks with music and is super cool.