Ive been wantimg to do this with one of my couples for quite a while and I think it best fits them- at some point Ivan will give up their eye for Apoo and replace it with a glass eye in his color ♡

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Kid aunq no queria se termina aliando con Hawkis y Apoo para ir tras Shanks, probablemente a causa de la derrota q sufrio al haber ido solo y perder su brazo.

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One Piece Onigashima spoilers
Apoo has fought 5 supernovas himself while Kaido and Bigmom fought 5 together, making it like 2.5 each. Therefore Apoo is twice as good as Kaido

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HERE HE IS! My FNAF and One Piece loving self couldn’t resist- I had to make a Scratchmen Apoo + Dj Music Man combo 🤟🎶🎶

13 49

Apoo the biggest coward, Buggy can at least talk shit, Usopp isn't really a coward at all https://t.co/vYeMHc28Uv

78 702

L Drake have so man L's right now lmao:
- Washed by base Sanji
- Got exposed
- Couldn't even defeat 20% Apoo
- Got tossed around by a casual injured Yamato when Ulti could handle her a bit
- The only one who got slapped in a 2v2 fight lmao

17 113

Capo dei Numbers.

È ancora in piedi dopo aver subito:
- il 'Punk Gibson' da Kid;
- un colpo letale di Zoro;
- un morso da X Drake in Zoan Form;
- lo 'shigan' di un CP0 sul collo.

Apoo, ineluttabile ad Onigashima.

🎨 via deviantart / ACWart |

0 5

Knew Oda had something amazing for this week
Loved the chapter man
Big Mom greatness
Apoo/XDrake/Yamato stuff
CP0 coming for Robin
Sanji shining (nearly cried with the sanji-zoro interaction ngl)

1 41

Bringing back the apoo layout in celebration of tonight's episode

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Scratchman Apoo from One Piece

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Soul king brook ☠️
vs. Scratchman Apoo 🎺🎵
I’d love to see this fight in wano

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Tema: Akuma no mi zuadas porém fortes.
1- Sui Sui no Mi (Nadar) - Basicamente você vira a Nince Negra.
2- Pero Pero no Mi (Doce)
3- Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Pata) - Pq essa pata é OP?
4- Sem nome ainda (Som) - Apoo toca música e explode tudo? Como funciona? https://t.co/i8A3dLK0Va

1 1

Happy Birthday🎂Scratchen Apoo, Atmos, and Elg!

1 0

The lit af JJK X CSM crossover post, Brooks vs Apoo which would actually be a hype fight 😂, and all the jojo waifu/husbando stands

2 51

Today's Voice Artist Spotlight: Brad Venable (R.I.P.)
IMDb: https://t.co/zwMfTmhP1n
Website: https://t.co/cU8OtU0tip
Born: July 16, 1977
Died: Jan. 7, 2021
Notable Roles: Griffon (Devil May Cry 5), Scratchman Apoo (One Piece)

22 86

Old crummy art but felt like sharing again after the nonstop W’s Apoo has been taking. Blocking Zoro AND Drake?

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The other two options were Jewelry Bonney which is understandable to disclude her because they'd have to figure how to translate her age manipulation fruit into a moveset, but Scratchmen Apoo is the other guy. The guy who attacks with music and is super cool.

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