The Chimera of Arezzo is an Etruscan work of art. A chimera was a fire-breathing three-headed hybrid often comprised of a lion (body), snake (tail), and goat (affixed to the back). The piece was unearthed in Italy in 1553.

Bronze, ca. 400 BCE, 129 cm L (50.7 in.)

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Questo è il tramonto del giorno in cui sei volata sul ponte dell’arcobaleno. Non abbiamo mai passato più di un mese separate, invece oggi è un intero anno che non ti accarezzo, non ti parlo, non ti accudisco. Da un intero anno curo una ferita che, lo so, non si rimarginerà mai.

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Hija de Tifón, que duerme bajo el Etna, y de Equidna, la de vientre de víbora; ineluctable hasta Belerofonte, según Homero; animal híbrido símbolo del año de 3 estaciones... Ésta de Arezzo, donada a Tinia, dios etrusco del y de los días.

🖼️Jo March11 – Jotdown

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"Nel mondo di Piero della Francesca". Un contadino di San Sepolcro (Arezzo). Foto di Mario Dondero

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Two Studies of a Flayed Man, Bartolommeo da Arezzo, 1554

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The Chimera of Arezzo is an Etruscan work of art. A chimera was a fire-breathing three-headed hybrid often comprised of a lion (body), snake (tail), and goat (affixed to the back). The piece was unearthed in Italy in 1553.

Bronze, ca. 400 BCE, 129 cm L (50.7 in.)

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this week... ‘Allegory of the art of painting, from the Casa Vasari in Arezzo, Italy, painted by Giorgio Vasari around 1542’

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Thursday with Allegory of the art of painting, from the Casa Vasari in Arezzo, Italy, painted by Giorgio Vasari around 1542.

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Thursday Allegory of the art of painting, from the Casa Vasari in Arezzo, Italy, painted by Giorgio Vasari around 1542. (She's painting Dante)

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And my favorite "Bitch please" moment in art.
Piero della Francesca, 1464
Fresco, San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy

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Forse non tutti sanno che Cole Porter celebre compositore statunitense omaggiato da Woody Allen nel film Midnight in Paris, tra il 1926 e il 1927 prese dimora a dove organizzò party memorabili all'insegna del lusso e della stravaganza

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Study of a Flayed Torso, Bartolommeo da Arezzo , 1554

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Two Studies of a Flayed Man, Bartolommeo da Arezzo , 1554

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Study of a Flayed Torso, Bartolommeo da Arezzo , 1554

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Today we dragged the children to yet another church to see more frescoes. But for me this was a personal pilgrimage. The sublime frescoes of Piero Della Francesca in Arezzo.

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