Invés de me cobrar de ter um estilo sólido e tentar ser criativa, eu decidi que vou só me divertir nos desenhos de outubro :3

Day 1 - Candle
(witchtober prompt from Aria-Illustration on instagram)

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October is here and I'm gonna try 's Witchtober prompt. Let's see how many I can make! ✨🦇🎃

⤖ Day 1 - Candle
⤖ Witchtober Prompt by:

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Day 1: candle. Bayo themed witchtober this year! Crummy sketch cuz I’ve got an exam today 🥴

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| Día 29: The brilliant professor Pumpkin + magic 🎃✨ (La brillante profesora Calabaza + magia)


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Firefly and Pumpkin, from 2 different and

Now that I see it, the hair kind of reminds me of Anne Hathaway’s version of the Witch.

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My Vietnamese mom always telling me to try different herbal supplements or tea to be healthy 💖

Day 23 is Herbs from rit.aria list on IG

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