Avviaka Viper, only found naturally on Aaromasha, but seen on Asuri. They only affect Aarons and Zemoria (can't kill or permanently damage them, though, just makes Zemoria really sick)

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June 🌌 the first warm nights, juicy greenery filled with moisture, magical flower aromas at dusk.
And the secrets of the heart.

• oilpainting •

From the Forgotten Kingdom 🔮


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El nombre “Hana” proviene del japonés, y significa “flor”. Las flores nos evocan a diferentes sentimientos y emociones gracias a sus colores, formas, aromas y su excepcional belleza. Por ello son un modelo perfecto para ser retratadas en la pintura.

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Some of my card ideas to make Aromas better 🤔

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Eh, cuunta. (Cuunta means "fluffy creature" in Aaromasha)

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Looks like Pudding’s added assets are also affecting her attractive aromas… I just really like alliterations for some reason, ‘kay? 👀💦

Wonderful art by ! Show them some love!!

11 86

jungkook: for jk, i wanted to create something dark and sleek like his taste in fashion yet with a sweetness on the inside, representing his love for banana milk and sweet aromas. the bottle design is streamlined, sleek, and simple.

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"Cnway no ha podido oler el aroma de un alfa en años, lo que hace que lo confunda con aromas comunes, pero en medio de la nada mientras se relaja con Vlkov no puede entender de donde viene ese aroma."

53 331

A Pokemon who gives off a fragrance that delights everyone in the area. It is very small, but portable with strong and pleasant aromas.

4 18

I have my commission slots open!
Attached along are my skillset and its rates;
Please, do ask me about anything if you are interested!
Pleased to work with you!

Payment Methods
► Paypal
- shintaromasin.sama.com
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I have my commission slots open!
Attached along are my skillset and its rates;
Please, do ask me about anything if you are interested!
Pleased to work with you!

Payment Methods
► Paypal
- shintaromasin.sama.com
► Local Bank Transfer
- Contact for more

18 29

Que el tiempo no se detenga
que este instante perdure
para que dos almas

sabiéndose dueños
de este amor de sus aromas
de esta brisa que incendia
el alma cada alborada,
porque tu sabes
que yo,
soy tu agua.

12 25

Morgan's tea

Butterfly pea flower tea, with a sweet and sour taste, also made from a mixture of blueberry and vanilla aromas

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🎄christmas ❄️Weiss ❄️Schnee❄️🎄
by aromasensei on deviantart

0 5

Posted tstudio
Where could she be Now?
Have escaped from the far lands in silence !
One the snowy pass ways!
Crossed over the bridges,houses,people
The woman in all these colorful aromas and voices of love ,dreams a kiss

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