Check out this by Saiyre-Art_Official on /r/Art

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AHHH I thought I can finish today but it seems... I'll have to make another pokemon stream... Booo Bah sucks...
but yea! Thank you friends for hanging <3 I'll see you all soon
1/2 pokepost

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Devlin Mason
A another rat child
that I don't usually post here

A mysterious girl who dance with the darkness and shows up at your least expect

And something a little bit silly

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Thank you, . You are an absolute madwoman.

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Bria: No were not hugging u too hard^^ 🎁🎂🎄

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HAPPY HOLIDAY, EVERYONE!!!🎉🎉#art_of_pipers

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조금 길쭉한 버전의 유진이에요! 평소처럼 채색을 하고있었는데 갑자기 채색이 마음에 안들어서 원작 색감을 따라해봤는데 훨씬 더 마음에 드는거같네요!

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Commission done for my artbro and tito @/Art_of_anomaly
Thank you! :3

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one of my ratian ocs, mary :) fun fact: she's a model

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오늘은 뭔가를 잔뜩 시도해보려고 했지만 그냥 좀 모자란 그림이 나왔네요! 시험 일주일 전이니까 이제부터는 정신차려서 공부를 좀 해야겠어요!

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요즘 굿즈를 사볼까 고민하다가 사려고 해봤는데 요즘 환율때문에 너무 비싸서 못샀어요ㅠㅠ 용돈받으면 바로사려고 기다리는 중이에요! 벌써부터 기대되네요!
아 근데 굿즈를 사면 해외에서 배송이 오는건가요?

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