a halloween gift that is several months late? not bad for a dude with a poor conception of time B)

25 76

not wnough skirtemy content out there so i decided to make some myself!

7 13

I’m real tired but I tried something new I guess ... anyway I’d have thought the first one I’d have drawn would be Daniil but it is in fact everyone’s best friend, mortal enemy, and dad, artemy

0 3

"Все равно мне больше не согреться
В пламя прыгну, чтоб вас согреть
Тогда заберите мое доброе сердце
Может быть, вы станете немного добрей

Когда-нибудь вы станете немного добрей
Станете немного добрей"

2 32

Love seeing how fandom grew. There used to be so little...

Anywayz, here's an old one but maybe some1 also dreams of riding a bull as haru

2 25