画質 高画質

Art! Sender lagi nyobain artstyle baruu, apakah ada yang mau berteman?

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art! mau commission yang artstylenya mirip ini dong. urgentt:( yuk drop porto nya. kalo cocok bisa comms banyak

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An art class changed the way i see color 🤣

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Setor wip art! Malam. Sebenernya aku udh banyak wip tapi gaada yg beres…yg kemaren juga blm beres krn mendadak ganti artstyle… T-T semoga yg ini beres

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The combination of dolphins and stars is very much my favorite!

11 36

wip art! Kalian bisa ganti artstyle biasanya berapa lama? Aku bisa dalam 2 hari 😭 kalo aku kasih tau wip sebelumnya yg di post di base jg mungkin kalian liatnya jg beda

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lena + mika pikazo artstyle study thing idk

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Art! Punya duality artstyIē memang susah2 gampang, tapi fun banget

Adakah kalian yang punya duality artstyIē nggak ? Tunjukkin yuks 🫵‼️

Kalau mau b-☁️ boleh, kinda selective hihi 🤏

9 179

artist! aku mau nanya pendapat kalian dong, aku suka ganti" artsty|e kan ya, menurut kalian yang mana yang paling bagus/yang kalian suka?

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I'm Hanny, a freelance artist/illustrator.
I don't have a specific artstyle, but I can always learn a new one :)

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4/20〜5/19にArtsticker様()によるギャラリー、GALLERY ROOM・A(浅草)にて廣瀬祥子名義で個展をさせていただきます!
(レイヤー構造の作品も出品させていただきます!)… https://t.co/Gw9MiEeuzf

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The artstyle changing ;;

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is a consistent artstyle edible
//also I'll never betray you ever again round brush o<-<

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test artstyle for future vtuber projects.

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its my favorite game i cant speak much about most of the time :")
when it just came out, i only drew like onono; i also kept coming back to that artstyle from time to time and made myself a custom sprite for the game each year as time went on. i hope you enjoy this lore graph

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my struggle is that everytime i woke up i have to decide which artstyle i should use for which specific fandom

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