Hola me presento soy Reima spirit
Dibujante Colombia con síndrome de Asperger , acá algunos datos
• comisiones para noviembre o diciembre
• creando OC's y una historia llamada RaRe Streets
• multifandom fanasts y también hago OC's basados en esos fandom

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Hello I'm Reima, Asperger,panacea, i like drawing fanarts and especially weird humanoid or anthropomorphic cratures

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I'm Coasterwolf, the first ever wolfie vtuber advance roller coaster virtual designer. I do like to make virtual roller coasters with on board music with it to make roller coaster a good feel vibes to it. Also I do have asperger's, hope to make new friends

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I'm Coasterwolf, the first ever wolfie vtuber advance roller coaster virtual designer. I do like to make virtual roller coasters with on board music with it to make roller coaster a good feel vibes to it. Also I do have asperger's, hope to make new friends

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Es un poco asperger, sola en su casa no usa ropa, cuando sale se pone ropa comoda o grande. Le gusta los buenos musicales y hacer manualidades.
Su mamá es un slime luminoso (no sabe brillar), su papá...
La respuesta esta en su nombre y apariencia!

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Hi 👋 I'm Reima
Asperger and obsessed with hybrids and other creatures

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hi 💜
Reima , pan/ace , asperger and i draw weird hybrids and others

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Okay, let’s talk about how a Nonspeaking Autistic writer, Gregory Tino, just published a children’s book called The Autistic Boy in The Unruly Body, and how it’s the new release on Amazon’s “Autism and Asperger’s” category. But first, a story about

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