I've had this ready for months but didn't feel great about posting it... something about me being a woman and a lot of people out there being asshats. But I guess I'll just post what I want and start blocking asshats if it comes to that... 🤷‍♀️

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Lilith and Lady Olivia meet at a bar. They bond over their former bosses being huge asshats, get tipsy and decide to start a band, because obviously. Lilith on base (fite me) and Lady Olivia shreds on the mandolin. Debut song: Two bit emperor man

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wanted to give the two asshats who are occupying the majority of my brainspace rn actual refs. girl help

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i am such an old old soul .
Imagine if this manga came now !
asshats will bring one panel and be =
EEEEEKKKK !!! Socialists wokes are at it again !

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I hate Caesar's Legion from fnv, but I especially hate these two asshats, Vulpes Inculta and Joshua Graham. The former shows up for exactly two scenes and is made out to be some sort of sexyman and the later is a white savior complex. how do people get the hots for these two?

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I hate people. Almost all of them. *wanders off muttering clearly legible variations of fucking combined with asshats and 'eat a wombat shit sandwich and love it because I fucking said so.' thrown in for good measure, because why the hell not?

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Thanks for all the fun. Hope all the asshats didn't take too much enjoyment out of it for you.

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(very late) for AU-gust day 28, Model AU
Katsuki always works with asshats who treat her badly, so to have the respectful newbie Deku working with her was like a dream come true.

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Just remembered I originally wanted to move my Texas trip to my birthday next month and who even knows if I'll ever get out there at this point because inconsiderate asshats don't cover their dumb faces

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LRT: Devastated to discover it's a KIDS couch...So..me..but I'm a beautiful strawbebby couch. V. soft.

(Deleted the last upload cause I forgot to watermark and people are asshats.)

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Those asshats wont be happy until this is the only look for your character.

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This episode got everyone riled up lmao people needa learn howda not be asshats

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Name: Sketchyrulz, Sketch, Sketchy
Age: 23 (9/22)
Height: 5'6
Loves: Art, video games, friends, kind people, sweet's, tea, coffee
Hates: asshats, lier's, thieves, alcohol, stress

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i know this is talking about outright evil or morally ambiguous asshats but my mind immediately went to

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How I feel at the moment when the old drama from both twitter and tumblr is brought up again after the pilot release

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release him now you motherfucking asshats

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